Men’s Ministry
Growing Godly Leaders
It is the vision of the Men’s Ministry to strengthen, encourage and build up the men of the church, to be all God has called them to be as individuals, husbands, fathers, sons, employers or employees, through the study of God’s Word, fellowship and prayer.
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity!” Psalm 133:1
Ways to get involved.
WHO WE ARE This Bible study is designed for men to come together and grow in God’s Word, in fellowship and accountability with one another.
WHEN Thursdays | 7pm
WHERE Fellowship Hall
WHO WE ARE We set aside this time to gather together in prayer. The power of prayer is undeniable! Come and be blessed.'
WHEN Saturdays | 8am
WHERE South Sanctuary
WHO WE ARE We have breakfast and special guest speakers with us to share God’s Word. Encouraging men to stand up for Jesus is our focus.
WHEN Quarterly | 9am
WHERE Fellowship Hall