Outreach & Evangelism
Walking in Faith
Reaching out to others to show them the love of Jesus in a tangible way is not only our responsibility as Christians, it is also an act of worship to our King. Our goal is to introduce people to Jesus, our Savior, and to help them live as His disciples, obeying everything He has commanded through His revealed Word, the Bible. We seek to equip every believer to fulfill the ministry that God has called him or her to.
“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8
Take a step of faith and get plugged in.
WHO WE ARE A door to door ministry composed of men and women who have a passion to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our neighborhoods.
WHEN Saturdays | 10am
WHERE School of Ministry Conference Room
WHO WE ARE A ministry that sends teams of spiritually equipped Christian volunteers to provide bible studies, biblical counseling, and worship services to the jails and correctional facilities.
WHEN Mondays | 7pm
WHERE Mini Chapel
WHO WE ARE God is raising up His church to stand up for the most vulnerable in our city, bringing God's hope through the True Light of His Gospel. As followers of Jesus Christ, the Giver of Life, there is a calling to protect and take a stand in faith for the unborn baby. We share the Truth to awaken the hearts in an unbelieving world. 1 Timothy 2:3-4.
WHEN 1st Sunday | 1:30pm
WHERE High School Boardroom
WHO WE ARE We prepare meals to go out with a team and pass out the food and share the love of God.
WHEN Saturdays | 11am
WHERE School of Ministry Conference Room
WHO WE ARE We are a ministry that goes all throughout the city Downey to share the love of Jesus. We will train and equip you to "do the work of an evangelist".
WHEN 2nd Saturday | 8am
WHERE Fellowship Hall
WHO WE ARE A ministry to our church body, which provides food for families. We are able to store dry and frozen goods. Donated goods from the body are greatly appreciated.
WHEN M W F | 10am-12pm
WHERE Behind the SOM Conference Room
WHO WE ARE Hannah’s Helpers ministry supports foster children and their families. We strive to live out James 1:27 “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world”.
WHEN 2nd Sunday | 12:30pm
WHERE High School Board Room